Have you ever been given a packet of pads but had nothing to stick it to?
One woman who recently contacted a partner charity Share the Dignity, let’s call her Emma, had recently fled domestic violence leaving with nothing except what she was wearing at the time.
When her period started, she reached out to a charity in her local area to see if she could be given any period products.
The charity was more than willing to hand over packets of pads, but her face dropped when she realised something... she didn’t have any underwear to stick the pads to.
Unfortunately, the charity didn’t have any tampons or underwear on hand and so her only option was to stick the pad to her pants to make do until she received underwear.
Rochelle Courtenay, Founder of Share the Dignity said, "We would love to say this is an isolated issue, but it is one we have heard over the years from our charity partners, particularly those in rural or remote areas. Even if she had one or two pairs of underwear can you imagine having to wash it each night? Or the stress you would feel if you bled through it on your period".
"Period poverty is so much more than not having access to period products. It goes hand and hand with not having access to education about menstrual health, toilets, handwashing facilities and even underwear," shares Rochelle Courtenay, Founder of Share the Dignity.
CiCi’s mission is to provide every woman in the world with the underwear they deserve.